AB Service
Redhill Teaching Hub provides Appropriate Body Services to all regional schools of all phases or settings. By providing both Early Career Framework training and the Appropriate Body Service, we can offer a unified package of structured support; reducing workload for schools and providing reassurance that they are meeting statutory requirements.
What is the Appropriate Body Service?
Appropriate bodies (ABs) are organisations that have the main quality assurance role in statutory teacher induction. They ensure that early career teachers (ECTs) receive their statutory entitlements and that the support, assessment and guidance procedures in place are fair and appropriate.
The Redhill Hub Offer
Redhill Teaching Hub's Appropriate Body Service ensures that, in accordance with statutory guidance:
- Headteachers and governing bodies are aware of, and are meeting, their responsibilities with regard to monitoring, support and assessment. This includes checking that the Early Career Teacher (ECT) is receiving a personalised induction programme, has a named induction tutor/mentor and has a reduced timetable.
- The school’s monitoring, support, assessment and guidance procedures are fair, appropriate and consistent across all schools and are embedded in good practice.
We use ECT Manager as the main administration tool. This platform provides access to ECT registrations, assessments and all previous functions.
How to get started
To register your ECTs the first step is to register your school’s induction tutor. All schools will need to register for an ECT Manager account. Once registered the induction tutor can then log-in and add details about tutors, mentors and ECTs. Find out more here.
Our Appropriate Body Lead 
Caroline Chaloner, c.chaloner@theredhillacademy.org.uk
"As the Appropriate Body Lead for Redhill Teaching Hub, I am the first port of call for our schools when they have any questions relating to our AB service. I work closely with the Redhill Hub ECF team to ensure our schools feel supported by our team, and able to fulfil the statutory requirements for Induction. I am happy to discuss any AB questions or queries. My working days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
We have created a wealth of AB Resources to support Headteachers and Induction Tutors in their role assessing the progress of their ECTs. All the resources can be found HERE and will be regularly updated so that schools can be confident that the information they find here remains current."