Role of the Induction Tutor
The Induction Tutor oversees the training and support provided by the school and co-ordinates the registration and enrolment and assessment processes. We will provide ongoing support for our Induction Tutors via our regular drop-in sessions and webinars.
The Induction Tutor’s role is firmly rooted in facilitating the assessment of the ECT against the professional standards (not against the ECF training) and to liaise with the Appropriate Body to ensure the ECT is fully qualified at the end of their 2-year induction. They are also responsible for securing support processes where the ECT is struggling to meet the professional standards.
Please note, schools should wherever possible avoid an overlap of the mentor and Induction Tutor roles and ensure they are performed by different members of staff.
Induction Tutors should:
- Carry out termly progress reviews (where there is not a formal assessment).
- Undertake annual formal assessment meetings and complete the assessment forms.
- Ensure ECTs have regular lesson observations and are given feedback.
- Recognise when early action may be needed in the case of an ECT experiencing difficulties.
Useful Links :
Webinar - Welcome to the Redhill Hub Appropriate Body Service