
New information on NPQ funding

In March 2024 DfE has announced the NPQ funding for the next cohort (Read it here). Scholarship funding for the October 2024 cohort will target those teachers and leaders who work in the most challenging schools or educational settings, serving more disadvantaged communities.

Funding is capped at 10,000 places nationally and across all NPQ providers. Redhill Teaching Hub will continue to partner with CEFEL and Teach First and has bid through our Lead Providers for a proportion of the available funded places across all programmes.

We are therefore planning to deliver the full suite of NPQ programmes for the Autumn cohort 2024. Schools need to be aware however that we are currently NOT planning to deliver a Spring cohort.


Future Cohorts

Funding for the April 2025 cohorts and beyond has not been confirmed, and Redhill TSH currently has no plans to deliver a Spring 2025 cohort of NPQs.  If you have queries about NPQ funding, please email us at 




Ready to Apply?

To begin your application, please complete our NPQ expression of interest form. This will trigger receipt of an email and application form for the relevant Lead Provider's NPQ programme (Cefel or Teach First). 


Funded places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and we will use our EOI forms as a starting point for allocation of places.



How the funded places are allocated.

Priority NPQs

The following 4 programmes are priority NPQs, therefore they are funded for all teachers and leaders in state-funded schools, however the funding is limited so early application is advisable. 

  1. NPQLPM - Leading Primary Maths

  2. NPQSENDco – Leading on SEND

  3. NPQH - Headship

  4. EHCO - Early Headship Coaching Offer (for those in the first 5 years of Headship)


Non-Priority NPQs

For the following programmes, eligibility restrictions apply.

  1. NPQLTD - Leading Teacher Development

  2. NPQLBC – Leading Behaviour and Culture

  3. NPQEYL - Early Years Leadership

  4. NPQLL - Leading Literacy


Fully funded scholarship places are only available to the following teachers and leaders:

  • Those employed in the 50% of schools with the highest proportion of pupils who attract pupil premium funding.
  • Those employed in schools listed on the 'Schools Disadvantage List'.
  • Those employed in 16 to 19 educational settings, listed on the 'Schools Disadvantage List'.
  • For the early years leadership NPQ, highly disadvantaged early years settings will also be eligible.   

Schools that are not in the 50% PP group, or on the disadvantaged schools list, will still be able to access non ‘priority’ NPQs, but these will be chargeable. You can find out about your school's funding eligibility when you register with the DfE, if you would like to know before, please get in touch.





Join Us

We would love the opportunity to talk to you about any of our programmes. Please feel free to get in touch for a formal or informal conversation, to find out how we can help you progress in your career.